Yorkshire Museum

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Staff health and wellbeing shown to be at the heart of York Museums Trust. All staff to benefit from a week’s holiday in early January and encouraged to rest and recuperate

DATE: 13 December 2021

In support of the health and wellbeing of its staff, York Museums Trust will close to the public and pause all activities behind the scenes for one week in early January 2022.

Like many cultural institutions and charities, York Museums Trust has had a challenging 18 months surviving the pandemic. Staff have worked hard, dealing with constant change and upheaval. York Museums Trust places great importance on the health and wellbeing of its workforce, and therefore has taken the decision to give all staff a chance to switch off completely from work ahead of what is likely to be another busy and stressful year. January is normally a quiet time for the museums and the decision has been taken to close all sites completely for one week so that all staff, many of whom work rota patterns, can benefit from a complete break from work.

The museums will be closed from Tuesday 4 January, with York Art Gallery and York Castle Museum reopening on Wednesday 12 January from 11am. The Yorkshire Museum will remain closed until Spring 2022. York Museum Gardens, however, will remain open to the public and operate normal opening hours from 10:30am to 6pm. Our staff will be given leave from Tuesday 4 January and will return to work as normal from Tuesday 11 January.

Reyahn King, chief executive of York Museums Trust said: “We are most grateful for the continued support received from our visitors and supporters. All our work to inspire, to care for and to share York’s wonderful art and heritage is dependent on our people who have gone the extra mile consistently throughout the pandemic. Staff health and wellbeing is of utmost importance to York Museums Trust and all staff will be encouraged to take time to rest and recuperate. We hope people will return to work revitalized and ready to tackle the new year ahead.”